Material Point Method for simulating geo-materials under large deformation conditions
▼NLoads | Operations to manage loads in the MPM model |
CLoadDistributedBox | Structure to define a distributed load in particles inside the cuboid defined by point p1 and p2 |
CNodalPointLoadData | |
CPrescribedPorePressure | Structure to represent a particle with a pressure. Pressure is applied to particles with the specified index |
CPressureBoundaryForceBox | Structure to represent a boundary force in fluid due the action of the pressure |
CPressureBox | Structure to represent a box with a pressure. Pressure in applied to particles inside the cuboid defined by point p1 and p2 |
CPressureMaterial | Structure to represent a material with a pressure. Pressure is applied to particles with the specified material id |
CSeismicData | Seismic data structure to manage acceleration and velocity of an earthquake record |
CBody | Represents a body in the space forming by a group of materials points and identified by a number |
CBodyCuboid | Is a type of Body representing a cuboid in 3D |
CBodyParticle | Is a Body created by a list of particles |
CBodyPolygon | Is a type of Body created by the extrusion of a 2D polygon |
CBodySphere | Is a type of Body representing a sphere in 3D |
▼CBoundary | Mesh boundary nodes |
CplaneBoundary | Represents the nodes and the type of restrictions |
CContact | Represents a frictional contact between bodies |
CContribution | Represents the node that the particle contributes |
CElastic | Represents an elastic material |
CElasticJaumann | Represents an elastic material with the Jaumann rate correction |
CMaterial | Represents a material |
CMesh | Class representing a rectangular grid mesh |
▼CMohrCoulomb | Represents an elasto-plastic material using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria |
CSoftening | |
CMPM | Components and algorithms of the MPM This class contain the basic objects of a MPM model, and the operations between them |
CNodalPointLoad | Define a structure to store point loads |
CNode | Represents a mesh node |
CNodeMixture | Represents a mesh node for calculations using the mixture theory |
CParticle | Represents a Lagrangian material point This class contain all Lagrangian variables that represents the domain an its properties |
CParticleMixture | A material point for calculations using the mixture theory |
CShape | Represents the shape functions used in the interpolation process |
CShapeGimp | Represents the GIMP shape functions used in the interpolation process |
CShapeLinear | Represents the Linear shape functions used in the interpolation process |
CSolver | Represents the operations to solve the equations in time |
CSolverExplicitTwoPhaseUSL | Solves explicitly the two phase motion equation in time using the scheme Update Stress Last |
CSolverExplicitUSL | Represents the operations to solve explicitly the equations in time using the scheme Update Stress Last |