| MohrCoulomb (int id, double density, double young, double poisson, double friction, double cohesion, double dilation, double tensile, MohrCoulomb::Softening softening) |
| Create a Mohr-Coulomb elasto-plastic material.
virtual void | updateStress (Particle *particle) const |
| Update the stress in the particle.
virtual | ~MohrCoulomb () |
| Default destructor.
| ElasticJaumann (int id, double density, double young, double poisson) |
| Create a linear elastic material.
virtual | ~ElasticJaumann () |
| Default destructor.
| Elastic (int id, double density, double young, double poisson) |
| Create a linear elastic material.
virtual | ~Elastic () |
| Default destructor.
void | setYoung (double young) |
| Configure the Young's modulus.
void | setPoisson (double poisson) |
| Configure the Poisson's ratio.
double | getShearModulus () const |
| Return the Shear modulus.
double | getBulkModulus () const |
| Return the Bulk modulus.
virtual Material::MaterialType | getType () const |
| Return the material type.
virtual double | getSoundSpeed () const |
| Get sound speed.
| Material (int id=-1, double density=0, MaterialType type=MaterialType::NONE) |
| Default constructor.
virtual | ~Material () |
| Default destructor.
int | getId () const |
| Return the identification.
double | getDensity () const |
| Returns material density.
double | getDensityFluid () const |
| Returns fluid density on material.
double | getPorosity () const |
| Returns material porosity.
Vector3d | getHydraulicConductivity () const |
| Returns Hydraulic conductivity.
double | getBulkModulusFluid () const |
| Returns Bulk modulus of fluid in mixture.
void | setId (int material_id) |
| Configure the material identification.
void | setDensity (double material_density) |
| Configures the material density.
void | setDensityFluid (double fluid_density) |
| Configures fluid density in material.
void | setPorosity (double material_porosity) |
| Configures the material porosity.
void | setBulkModulusFluid (double bulk_fluid) |
| Configures the volumetric modulus of fluid.
void | setHydraulicConductivity (Vector3d hydraulic_conductivity) |
| Configures the material hydraulic conductivity.
void | setType (MaterialType material_type) |
| Configures the material type.
double | friction |
| internal friction angle in degree, \(\phi\)
double | cohesion |
| cohesion parameter, \(c\)
double | dilation |
| dilation angle in degree, \(\psi\)
double | tensile |
| tensile strength, \(\sigma_t\)
MohrCoulomb::Softening | softening |
double | Young |
| Young's modulus \(E\).
double | Poisson |
| Poisson's ratio \(\nu\).
int | id |
| material identification
double | density |
| initial material density \(\rho^{0}\) or initial solid density in two-phase calculations \(\rho^{s,0}\)
double | densityFluid |
| initial density of the fluid phase in two-phase calculations \(\rho^{f,0}\)
double | porosity |
| initial porosity \(n^0\)
double | bulkModulusFluid |
| elastic volumetric modulus of fluid in mixture \(K^f\)
Vector3d | hydraulicConductivity |
| hydraulic conductivity of the fluid in the material \(k_i\)
MaterialType | type |
| material type
Represents an elasto-plastic material using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria