Material Point Method for simulating geo-materials under large deformation conditions
No Matches
Input Namespace Reference

Operations to read the input file. More...


void readInputFile (string file_name)
 Read the input file.
const jsongetJson ()
 Return the data file structure.
string getFileName ()
 Return the file name.
bool getLoadState ()
 Return load state activated.
bool getSaveState ()
 Return save state activated.
double getSimulationTime ()
 Return the simulation time.
double getTimeStep ()
 Return the time step.
double getCriticalTimeStepMultiplier ()
 Return critical time step multiplier.
SolvergetSolver ()
 Return the solver to be used in the model.
ModelSetup::InterpolationFunctionType getInterpolationFunction ()
 Return the interpolation functions type.
Vector3i getCellsNum ()
 Return the number of cells in each direction.
Vector3d getCellDimension ()
 Return the cell dimension.
Vector3d getOrigin ()
 Return the origin of coordinates.
vector< Material * > getMaterialList ()
 Return the material list.
vector< Body * > getBodyList ()
 Return the body list.
Vector3d getGravity ()
 Return the gravity force.
int getResultNum ()
 Return the number of results.
vector< string > getResultFields ()
 Return the fields to be written.
ModelSetup::DampingType getDampingType ()
 Read the damping definition in the input file.
double getDampingValue ()
 Read the damping value.
vector< Boundary::BoundaryTypegetMeshBoundaryConditions ()
 Return the mesh boundary conditions.
vector< Boundary::BoundaryTypegetMeshBoundaryConditionsFluid ()
 Return the mesh boundary conditions of fluid.
unsigned getNumThreads ()
 Return number of threads defined in the input file.
unsigned getNumberPhases ()
 Return the number of phases in the simulation.
vector< Loads::LoadDistributedBoxgetLoadDistributedBox ()
 Return loads distributed in particles inside a box.
Loads::NodalPointLoadData readNodalPointLoads ()
 read nodal point loads This function reads a points from input file in the following format: "nodal_point_loads": [[p1x,p1y,p1z],[p1x,p1y,p1z]],...,[[pnx,pny,pnz],[pnx,pny,pnz]]
vector< Loads::PressureBoxgetPrescribedPressureBox ()
 Return prescribed pressure in particles inside a box.
vector< Loads::PressureBoxgetInitialPressureBox ()
 Return initial pore pressure in particles inside a box.
vector< Loads::PressureMaterialgetInitialPressureMaterial ()
 Return initial pore pressure in particles by material id.
vector< Loads::PressureBoundaryForceBoxgetPressureBoundaryForceBox ()
 Return pore pressure force in particles inside a box.
Loads::SeismicData readSeismicData (const std::string &filename, bool hasHeader)

Detailed Description

Operations to read the input file.

In this section topics related with the input data file are considered in details.


The keywords are the way to setup the numerical model. Have keyword for each characteristic implemented in the program. Some of they are associated with numbers, for example "time":0.2, others that are associated with strings, for example "type":"elastic", or to arrays, for example "gravity":[0.0,0.0,-9.81], and with others definitions, like "mesh":{ / "cells_dimension":[1,1,1], ... Next is presented the complete list of keyword for using in the input file, organized according the characteristic to be configured.


Keyword Description Data type
body define bodies
type define a type of body string
id define a body identification integer
material_id used to setup a defined material to the body integer
initial_velocity used to setup the initial velocity to the body integer


Keyword Description Data type
particles define particles
id identification integer
position initial position array
volume initial volume integer
length initial size integer

Example of Body defined by particles

The next example shows the definition of body forming by one particle



Keyword Description Data type
cuboid cuboid body type body type
point_p1 define the a lower left point in a cuboid array
point_p2 define the a higher right point in a cuboid array

Cuboid definition example

The next example shows the definition of a cuboid body type witch volume extends from point P1=(2,2,2) to the point P2=(7,7,7) and witch material has id=1.


Polygon extrusion

Keyword Description Data type
polygon_2d body created by a 2D polygon body type
extrude_direction direction of the extrusion during the polygon body type string
extrude_displacement magnitude of the displacement in the extrude direction double
discretization_length cell dimension of the auxiliary mesh during the creation of the polygon body type double
points 3D coordinate points array

Polygon extrusion definition example

[0, 0, 0],
[2.001, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 2.001]


Keyword Description Data type
gravity define the body force intensity array
load_box distribute a load in particles inside a box

Load definition examples

Gravity load Example


Distributed load in box example


Pore pressure

Keyword Description Data type
prescribed_pressure_box prescribe a pore pressure in particles inside a box
initial_pressure_box configure initial pore pressure in particles inside a box

Pore pressure definition examples

Prescribed pore pressure in particles inside a box example


Initial pore pressure in particles inside a box example



Keyword Description Data type
damping define damping in the model
type define damping type string
value define the local damping value double

See damping type in ModelSetup::DampingType

Damping definition example



Keyword Description Data type
n_threads define the number of threads in the simulation unsigned

Parallelization definition example


Simulation time

Keyword Description Data type
time define the simulation time double
time_step define the time step double
critical_time_step_multiplier define the time step by a fraction of the critical time step double

Simulation time definition example


Time step definition example


The time step of the simulation can be defined by the critical time multiplier:


So, in this case the time step will be 0.25 of the critical time step.

Two phase simulations

Keyword Description Data type
n_phases define number of phases in the simulations (default is 1) int

Two phase simulation definition example


Stress update scheme

Keyword Description Data type
stress_scheme_update used to define the type of stress update scheme string
USL Update Stress Last scheme type

Stress update scheme definition example


Shape Functions

Keyword Description Data type
shape_function define the type of nodal interpolation function string
GIMP generalized interpolation material point shape function type
linear linear shape function type

Shape functions definition example



Keyword Description Data type
mesh used to define a mesh
cells_number define the number of cells in each direction array
cells_dimension used to define the cell dimension in each direction array
origin used to define the origin of coordinates array
boundary_conditions used to set the mesh boundary conditions
boundary_conditions_fluid used to set the mesh boundary conditions of fluid
sliding boundary condition that can move perpendicular to the normal of the boundary plane string
fixed boundary condition that can not move in any direction string
free boundary condition that can move freely in all directions string
plane_X0 Plane which normal points to the negative part of the axis X
plane_Y0 Plane which normal points to the negative part of the axis Y
plane_Z0 Plane which normal points to the negative part of the axis Z
plane_Xn Plane which normal points to the positive part of the axis X
plane_Yn Plane which normal points to the positive part of the axis Y
plane_Zn Plane which normal points to the positive part of the axis Z

Mesh definition example



Keyword Description Data type
material used to define materials
id material identification integer
density mass density double
density_fluid mass density of fluid in mixture double
porosity porosity of mixture double
bulk_fluid volumetric modulus of fluid in mixture double
hydraulic_conductivity principal values of the hydraulic conductivity of fluid in mixture array (1x3)
type used to specify the material constitutive model string

Linear Elastic

Keyword Description Data type
elastic elastic material type
poisson Poisson's ratio of the material double
young Young's modulus of the material double


Keyword Description Data type
mohr-coulomb Mohr-Coulomb elasto plastic material type
friction Angle of internal friction in degree double
cohesion Material Cohesion double
dilation Material dilation double
tensile Tensile cut-off double

Material definition example



Keyword Description Data type
results used to define the type and the number of results
print number of results to be written integer
fields used to define the fields to be written string array
id particle identification field
displacement particle displacement field
material particle material field
pressure fluid pressure
external_force total external force in particle
plastic_strain effective plastic strain in particle
stress particle stress

Results definition example


Complete input file definition example


Save/Load States

These keywords allow to load and save model states, for example this can be used to load the initial stresses resulting of a previous analysis

Keyword Description Data type
load_state activate load model state bool
save_state activate save model state bool

Example To save the state of the model


And for loading the salved state


Function Documentation

◆ getBodyList()

vector< Body * > Input::getBodyList ( )

Return the body list.

A list containing Body pointers

◆ getCellDimension()

Vector3d Input::getCellDimension ( )

Return the cell dimension.

Cell dimension in each direction

◆ getCellsNum()

Vector3i Input::getCellsNum ( )

Return the number of cells in each direction.

Number of cells in each direction

◆ getCriticalTimeStepMultiplier()

double Input::getCriticalTimeStepMultiplier ( )

Return critical time step multiplier.

Critical time step multiplier

◆ getDampingType()

ModelSetup::DampingType Input::getDampingType ( )

Read the damping definition in the input file.

ModelSetup::DampingType The damping type

◆ getDampingValue()

double Input::getDampingValue ( )

Read the damping value.

value The damping value

◆ getFileName()

string Input::getFileName ( )

Return the file name.

File name

◆ getGravity()

Vector3d Input::getGravity ( )

Return the gravity force.

Gravity force

◆ getInitialPressureBox()

vector< Loads::PressureBox > Input::getInitialPressureBox ( )

Return initial pore pressure in particles inside a box.

pressure_initial_box Initial pressures in particles

◆ getInitialPressureMaterial()

vector< Loads::PressureMaterial > Input::getInitialPressureMaterial ( )

Return initial pore pressure in particles by material id.

pressure_initial_material Initial pressures in particles

◆ getInterpolationFunction()

ModelSetup::InterpolationFunctionType Input::getInterpolationFunction ( )

Return the interpolation functions type.


◆ getJson()

const json & Input::getJson ( )

Return the data file structure.

Json file structure containing all read data

◆ getLoadDistributedBox()

vector< Loads::LoadDistributedBox > Input::getLoadDistributedBox ( )

Return loads distributed in particles inside a box.

loads_distributed_box Loads distributed in particles inside a box

◆ getLoadState()

bool Input::getLoadState ( )

Return load state activated.

true for load state activated

◆ getMaterialList()

vector< Material * > Input::getMaterialList ( )

Return the material list.

A list containing Material pointers

◆ getMeshBoundaryConditions()

vector< Boundary::BoundaryType > Input::getMeshBoundaryConditions ( )

Return the mesh boundary conditions.

boundary_restriction_vector A vector containing the restrictions of each plane: X0, Y0, Z0, Xn, Yn, and Zn.

◆ getMeshBoundaryConditionsFluid()

vector< Boundary::BoundaryType > Input::getMeshBoundaryConditionsFluid ( )

Return the mesh boundary conditions of fluid.

boundary_restriction_vector A vector containing the restrictions of each plane: X0, Y0, Z0, Xn, Yn, and Zn.

◆ getNumberPhases()

unsigned Input::getNumberPhases ( )

Return the number of phases in the simulation.

n_phases Number of phases in the simulation

◆ getNumThreads()

unsigned Input::getNumThreads ( )

Return number of threads defined in the input file.

n_threads Number of threads

◆ getOrigin()

Vector3d Input::getOrigin ( )

Return the origin of coordinates.

Coordinates of the origin of the mesh

◆ getPrescribedPressureBox()

vector< Loads::PressureBox > Input::getPrescribedPressureBox ( )

Return prescribed pressure in particles inside a box.

pressure_prescribed_box Pressures prescribed in particles

◆ getPressureBoundaryForceBox()

vector< Loads::PressureBoundaryForceBox > Input::getPressureBoundaryForceBox ( )

Return pore pressure force in particles inside a box.

pressure_force Pore pressure force

◆ getResultFields()

vector< string > Input::getResultFields ( )

Return the fields to be written.

◆ getResultNum()

int Input::getResultNum ( )

Return the number of results.

Number of results to be written

◆ getSaveState()

bool Input::getSaveState ( )

Return save state activated.

true for load state activated

◆ getSimulationTime()

double Input::getSimulationTime ( )

Return the simulation time.

Simulation time

◆ getSolver()

Solver * Input::getSolver ( )

Return the solver to be used in the model.

After read the input file this class creates an Solver instance and returns its pointer.


◆ getTimeStep()

double Input::getTimeStep ( )

Return the time step.

Time step

◆ readInputFile()

void Input::readInputFile ( string file_name)

Read the input file.

[in]file_nameFile name

◆ readNodalPointLoads()

Loads::NodalPointLoadData Input::readNodalPointLoads ( )

read nodal point loads This function reads a points from input file in the following format: "nodal_point_loads": [[p1x,p1y,p1z],[p1x,p1y,p1z]],...,[[pnx,pny,pnz],[pnx,pny,pnz]]


◆ readSeismicData()

Loads::SeismicData Input::readSeismicData ( const std::string & filename,
bool hasHeader )