Material Point Method for simulating geo-materials under large deformation conditions
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBodyRepresents a body in the space forming by a group of materials points and identified by a number
 CBodyCuboidIs a type of Body representing a cuboid in 3D
 CBodyParticleIs a Body created by a list of particles
 CBodyPolygonIs a type of Body created by the extrusion of a 2D polygon
 CBodySphereIs a type of Body representing a sphere in 3D
 CBoundaryMesh boundary nodes
 CContactRepresents a frictional contact between bodies
 CContributionRepresents the node that the particle contributes
 CLoads::LoadDistributedBoxStructure to define a distributed load in particles inside the cuboid defined by point p1 and p2
 CMaterialRepresents a material
 CElasticRepresents an elastic material
 CElasticJaumannRepresents an elastic material with the Jaumann rate correction
 CMohrCoulombRepresents an elasto-plastic material using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria
 CMeshClass representing a rectangular grid mesh
 CMPMComponents and algorithms of the MPM This class contain the basic objects of a MPM model, and the operations between them
 CNodalPointLoadDefine a structure to store point loads
 CNodeRepresents a mesh node
 CNodeMixtureRepresents a mesh node for calculations using the mixture theory
 CParticleRepresents a Lagrangian material point This class contain all Lagrangian variables that represents the domain an its properties
 CParticleMixtureA material point for calculations using the mixture theory
 CBoundary::planeBoundaryRepresents the nodes and the type of restrictions
 CLoads::PrescribedPorePressureStructure to represent a particle with a pressure. Pressure is applied to particles with the specified index
 CLoads::PressureBoundaryForceBoxStructure to represent a boundary force in fluid due the action of the pressure
 CLoads::PressureBoxStructure to represent a box with a pressure. Pressure in applied to particles inside the cuboid defined by point p1 and p2
 CLoads::PressureMaterialStructure to represent a material with a pressure. Pressure is applied to particles with the specified material id
 CLoads::SeismicDataSeismic data structure to manage acceleration and velocity of an earthquake record
 CShapeRepresents the shape functions used in the interpolation process
 CShapeGimpRepresents the GIMP shape functions used in the interpolation process
 CShapeLinearRepresents the Linear shape functions used in the interpolation process
 CSolverRepresents the operations to solve the equations in time
 CSolverExplicitTwoPhaseUSLSolves explicitly the two phase motion equation in time using the scheme Update Stress Last
 CSolverExplicitUSLRepresents the operations to solve explicitly the equations in time using the scheme Update Stress Last