Material Point Method for simulating geo-materials under large deformation conditions
No Matches
Output.h File Reference
#include "Mesh/Mesh.h"
#include "Particle/Particle.h"
#include "Body/Body.h"
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namespace  Output
 Operations to write the results and the mesh for its visualization.


enum  Output::CellType { Output::POINTS , Output::CELLS }


void Output::initFieldsKeyWords ()
 Initialize the keywords of the fields.
void Output::writeGrid (Mesh *mesh, CellType cell_type_representation=CellType::CELLS)
 Write the grid mesh into a vtu file.
void Output::writeParticles (vector< Particle * > *particles, double time=0.0)
 Write the particles of the model into a vtu file.
void Output::writeBody (Body *body, double time=0.0)
 Write the particles in a body.
void Output::writeResultsSeries ()
 Write the time series of the results.
void Output::writeBodies (vector< Body * > *bodies, double time=0.0)
 Write the particles forming bodies.
void Output::configureResultFiels (vector< string > fields)
 Configures the fields to be written.
bool Output::isFieldRequired (string field)
 Verify is the field must be written.
void Output::writeResultInStep (int loopCounter, int resultSteps, vector< Body * > *bodies, double iTime)
 Write results if the step is the step result.
void Output::welcomeScreen ()
 Print initial program screen.
void Output::farewellScreen ()
 Print final program screen.
void Output::printElapsedTime ()
 Print elapsed time.