Class representing a rectangular grid mesh.
Definition Mesh.h:29
Represents operations to update values in nodes and particles.
void particleVelocityFluid(Mesh *mesh, vector< Body * > *bodies, double time_step)
Update the particle velocity fluid.
void particleVelocity(Mesh *mesh, vector< Body * > *bodies, double time_step)
Update the particle velocity.
Principal direction in the model. This enumeration is used to update the boundary conditions in each ...
Definition Update.h:22
@ X
Definition Update.h:22
@ Z
Definition Update.h:22
@ Y
Definition Update.h:22
void boundaryConditionsMomentum(Mesh *mesh)
Apply essential boundary condition in terms of momentum.
void particlePosition(Mesh *mesh, vector< Body * > *bodies, double time_step)
Update particle position.
void nodalVelocity(Mesh *mesh)
Update the nodal velocity.
void resetNodalValues(Mesh *mesh)
Delete all stored values in nodes.
void setPlaneMomentum(const Boundary::planeBoundary *boundary, vector< Node * > *nodes, unsigned direction)
Configure the momentum in each node in boundary planes.
void boundaryConditionsForceFluid(Mesh *mesh)
Apply essential boundary condition in terms of force of fluid phase.
void particlePressure(vector< Body * > *bodies, double dt)
Update the particles pressure.
void particleDensity(vector< Body * > *bodies)
Updates the particles' density.
void setPlaneForce(const Boundary::planeBoundary *boundary, vector< Node * > *nodes, unsigned direction)
Configure the force in each node in boundary planes.
void setPlaneMomentumFluid(const Boundary::planeBoundary *boundary, vector< Node * > *nodes, unsigned direction)
Configure the momentum of fluid phase in each node in boundary planes.
void contributionNodes(Mesh *mesh, vector< Body * > *bodies)
Update the weights in each nodes that contributes.
void setPlaneForceFluid(const Boundary::planeBoundary *boundary, vector< Node * > *nodes, unsigned direction)
Configure the force in fluid phase in each node in boundary planes.
void nodalTotalForce(Mesh *mesh)
Update the nodal total force.
void boundaryConditionsMomentumFluid(Mesh *mesh)
Apply essential boundary condition in terms of momentum of fluid phase.
void boundaryConditionsForce(Mesh *mesh)
Apply essential boundary condition in terms of force.
void particlePorosity(vector< Body * > *bodies)
Updates the porosity of the mixture.
void particleStress(vector< Body * > *bodies)
Update the particles' stress.
Represents the nodes and the type of restrictions.
Definition Boundary.h:62